A Book Lovin’ Mama’s Blog – DNF Books for 2023
Instead of doing individual book reviews for each book I DNF this year, I’m going to combine them into one blog post with brief reasons why I DNF the books.

Reason: I didn’t like either character, but the FMC is the reason why I mainly DNF’d. She was immature. I also wasn’t engaged in the story like the previous books.

Reason: I love Fantasy Romances and was intrigued this was described as being a darker fantasy romance. Unfortunately, this book has a lot of repetition, and it kept dragging on, and I wasn’t feeling it. I may attempt it later, but for right now, it’s on hold indefinitely.

Reason: The cover and synopsis had me intrigued to read it, but I couldn’t get into the story. I was confused most of the time while reading it.

Reason: A lot of repetition in this book and I don’t find either characters likable. I wanted to enjoy it since I was looking forward to Rush’s book, but I just can’t. Other readers may enjoy it, but this book wasn’t for me.

Reason: I didn’t like the MCs, but I especially didn’t care for the MMC and how he treated the FMC. I love Dark Romances and Bully Romances, but this book was to the extreme, even for me. Also, a big no-no in romance books for me is when I read scene(s) of one of the MCs with OW/OM (even when they are not with the other MC yet.)

Reason: I enjoyed the other books in the series, but this one I could barely even get through the first couple of chapters. I’m trying to escape reality, especially from politics, but this book immediately started political. Other readers may enjoy it, but it’s not for me.

Reason: I couldn’t get into the writing style for this book and didn’t like the characters. I did give this book to my college-aged daughter, and maybe she’ll read it and actually enjoy it.

Reason: I should have known I wouldn’t be able to finish this book because I didn’t care for the FMC when she was introduced in Tangled in Tinsel. I also crave more plot and not just smut. Some of the dialogue was also cringy at times.

Reason: Not a fan of the heroine that acts like a ‘Mean Girl.’

Reason: Unfortunately, this book isn’t for me. I wish I could have enjoyed it because the cover and synopsis is what drove me to read the book, but I couldn’t connect with either character, and I was not too fond of the MMC. I actually read a quote from the book to my husband of what the MMC was thinking when he first met the FMC, and even my husband said the MMC sounded like a creep and shouldn’t be trusted around the FMC.

Reason: Sadly, I’m going to have to DNF this one for now. I’m really not liking the ‘mean girls’ vibe I’m getting from the MMC’s ex-girlfriend and the FMC constantly fighting with her.
I may attempt to read the next book in the series, but later on.
Just because I didn’t finish these books doesn’t mean other readers won’t enjoy them.

- Review: ‘Cherish Hard’ by Nalini Singh - March 13, 2025
- ARC Review: ‘I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I’m Trapped in a Rom-Com’ by Kimberly Lemming - March 11, 2025
- Review: ‘Steele Resolve’ by Gwyn McNamee - March 9, 2025