Review: ‘Bitten & Smitten’ by Michelle Rowen

Bitten & Smitten
by Michelle RowenSeries: Immortality Bites #1
Published by Warner Forever on January 1, 2006
SubGenres: Paranormal Romance
Format: Paperback
Pages: 369
Source: Library
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Dear Mom,
I might be a wee bit late for Cousin Missy’s wedding. It’s been a tough week. Turns out, my blind date from hell was literally from hell. Guy bit me. Next thing I know, I’m being chased all over the city by vampire hunters. And did I mention that I got fired, too?
Bright side-I met a man. Thierry de Bennicoeur. How great is that name? Anyway, he’s sexy, six-hundred years old, and a tad suicidal, but no one’s perfect, right? And we have a deal-he’s gonna show me the ropes of the vampire world, and I’m supposed to help him end his existence. Or maybe I’ll just try to convince him life is worth living – no small challenge with the mostly immortal, let me tell you. I’ll admit it’s a complicated relationship. But with any luck, I just might have a date for that wedding after all…
Hugs and Kisses,
My Review
“Bitten & Smitten” is my first “challenge read” from another reader, at Down and Dirty Lusty and Flirty Group on Goodreads. The objective is to have someone else pick a book for you to read from their books they’ve read, but to make sure it’s not already in your To-Be-Read list and to make sure you haven’t read it before also.
Thanks again to the wonderful, Gems, for choosing this book for me to read. I would’ve never known about this book until you decided it for me…and I’m so glad you did.
From the first chapter to the last chapter, I was enthralled with it. I love a Paranormal book that has some action, love, and even humor to it. After reading the description from the back of the book, I knew I would have a hard time putting it down. Although, having two kids…one is a 2.5-month-old…and having to do college homework online I had to put down the book once in a while. *sigh*
The character Sarah Dearly is fabulous. She’s sassy and sarcastic. She’s always getting herself into horrible situations, but she still manages to get out of it. Poor girl never gets a break in the book.
This is the first book I’ve read, that the Male lead character is a pain in the ASS. The minute you read about him, you either feel sorry for him or want to kick his butt. I feel sorry for him at first due to the fact he has to deal with Sarah and her arrogant ways. Poor guy! LOL
Michelle Rowen doesn’t make the vampires sparkle or have crazy abilities like other vampire books I’ve read. She makes them seem reasonable, except for drinking the blood of course. (she does have the blood come in a Keg..kind of strange, but I love it). No wonder why the Vampire Hunters have their hands full on killing the Vampires. They really can’t tell whose human and whose Vampire except maybe when a Vamp shows “Fang.”
I recommend this book to anyone who loves a little humor to their Vampire Romance. If you’ve read Linda Wisdom’s books, you’ll enjoy Michelle Rowen. =) I’m picking up the 2nd book from my Library soon. I must find out what happens next to Sarah and her crazy misfit friends.
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